The greater the power the more dangerous the abuse
Edmund Burke
These women are unable to just simply walk away. In response to the need for assistance for this growing demographic WCM has developed a new program, the S.T.A.B.L.E. Program whose goal is to help these women make a safe transition away from their abuser while maintaining a certain quality of life for themselves and their children.
The common belief that domestic violence occurs primarily in lower-income families is inaccurate. Professional women with good jobs also find themselves in abusive relationships.
In many cases, these women find dealing with the problem even more difficult than poor women do because the violence is more unexpected and they are often less willing to utilize or qualify for the social services that could help them escape from their abuser.
Professional women usually have a great deal to lose by severing ties with their abusers, often including a home in a middle-class neighborhood, their social standing in the community, their financial security and a superior education for their children.
Because so much is riding on the perpetuation of their marriage, they may lack supporters even among their own families. We see daily that professional women are trapped by a fear of exposure amongst their families and peers and that is the abuser’s secret emotional blackmail.
The WCM S.T.A.B.L.E. Program supports business and professional women as described above by securing safe housing for themselves and their children without having to be placed in a shelter-like environment.
We operate a safe house in addition to coordinating with individual apartment managers and real estate services to secure housing at a reduced rate and supplement the costs for rent and utilities based on individual client income assessments for a period of up to six months.